Basics Río. Newspaper Ad & Billboard.
Everyday clothes that you can't buy at a fashion store, but in a low cost retail store.
Triple Río. Newspaper Ad & Billboard.
We chose 3 items that were a must on the looks. Then we gave it a especial price. It was behind a whole strategy of product rotation.
Price Río. Newspaper Ad & Billboard.
First we studied the market, searching for a fashion item. Then we compared prices. If the price was lower at RioStore we chose that item and advertise it with the tag "Precio Río" that meant the best price in the market.
Price Río. Newspaper Ad & Billboard.
First we studied the market, searching for a fashion item. Then we compared prices. If the price was lower at RioStore we chose that item and advertise it with the tag "Precio Río" that meant the best price in the market.
We made a 2 paged catalog where we chose 10 fashion items and we combined some of them to give 50 choices of how and what to wear.
Favorite Rio. Magazine & Newspaper Ad.
We chose a versatile item and gave it different personalities, so the buyer was able to see how that item was a smart choice to buy.


RioStore is a retail company that sells versatile, preferred, and comfortable clothing, for a popular class. They were having trouble with their Read More
